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03.01.2007 - unreal06

"Hot Joy" is an ARGENTINIAN band witch tributes Roxette. I correct myself, they don´t like to call themselves tribute band, instead they always said “ we made a humil Honoring to roxette” (i think it is because roxette is alive!, and as they let me know, they are rox fans).

I have asisted to 3 of the 4 presentations they made, live, in Buenos Aires. And it is fair to say, they really rock!.

Wonderful covers, followed by an extremely Professionalism. They show a lot of practice and dedication.

Marcela is the female voice of hot joy...a great voice!!!...a nice personality ! very simple in her ways.

Nicolas, he plays the bass, and he is the charismatic member of the band, doing somethings the lyrics sung by per, and backing vocals as well...always inviting the public to participate.

Ariel, plays the keyboard...and last night delighted as all with “the centre of the heart”... (they made us dance....`cos it was a great effort to remain seating...!!!)

Juan, professional itself, i've got astonished by his version of fingertips! he makes some per voices and backing vocals too....(as you see they don`t have “a per” they have two!)

Santiago...drummer!!! ..i have to say...not often you see a drummer like him!! Very concentrated in what he does...never lose the Compass!!

Federico, lead guitar ...or “Jonas” as some called them...the nick name really suits him!

As a resume i must confess that i don’t only like this band for making roxette covers, but also because the way they do it..they put in all songs something of themselves...for instance you can notice a lot of practice and some little changes , eg..fading like a flower a little bit faster version, among others arrangements... you should listen them playing live! (i will be posting here a link...although the sound it is not the best cos i taped it with my mp3 player). However in the mid time you can check out this links in wich you can listen them at studio ( mp3). (it will only take a few minutes).



The public enjoy their music very much (so did I!)...and for me beyond Roxette and the fact they aren't Roxette. They do a excellent job!!!!...and give us nice surprises such as job of a toy , i´m sorry, fingertips, etc.

While listening to them, a friend told me “this make me want the originals ones”.

One thought crossed my mind..Farther this: Roxette songs hasn’t got frontiers....and my thought is...they are Really great songs....a few days ago i was translating the lyrics into Spanish ,for a friend of mine, and i realised: this are really good songs!!!...what a lyrics!!! (thinking about per) What a way to sing them !! (thinking about Marie) that, they are like Anthems... which in this case are extremely well performance by Hoy Joy.

Here is a link to december 28th´s in bad quality ´cos i taped it with my mp3 player.

(thanks gtzerox, for your help)

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